Tuesday, October 9, 2012

First Post: A Start to a New Venture

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End of First Semester 2012, from being hooked to online blogging while studying for my exams, I decided to create Colored Chalks.

So, why Colored Chalks? 
 -As I have read from bloggers regarding online money making, I was convinced that different bloggers have wide range of perspectives on monetizing their blogs. Some had reverted to doing bizarre things on the internet just to boost their website traffic while others played it calm and simple and still gaining much visitors. I also came upon some forums and learned that ad serving depends on the content of your blog. There are ad networks who prefer gaming sites, others prefer entertainment sites while still others accept publishers depending on their traffic and geo-location. Like the colors of a rainbow, there's a lot of varieties that makes the spectrum of websites and blogs. But these are all opinions and not everything lasts to start a foundation. It's a continuous evolution on the world wide web. Hence, just like chalks. It doesn't mark for life yet it still leave imprints for some time. That's one of the goal of this blog. It views to serve at a specific time but not promise to establish firm foundations on online blogging and marketing.

Used and dusted. 
I chose to came at that tagline since I will be compiling my learnings from web surfing and from reading other people's experiences and as much as possible comparing those to my own. Hope that you will learn from Colored Chalks and be able to spread the word wirelessly.

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